Sunday, January 23, 2011

The $12 phone call

Yes, I know there has been an extreme lack of posting lately. I've been visiting family, and I have to say that visiting other places makes me a little bit excited to move! Is that bad? I don't hate it here, but I really don't think I would want to live here forever. When I took the babe on walks around my parents' neighborhood, I could just imagine myself living there in the suburbs, taking my kids to the park, walking them to school, and going on nice family outings. Doesn't that just sound lovely?

Anyway, that was not supposed to be the point of this post. Remember how I said that I forgot to bring my phone on my trip? When I first realized I had forgotten it, I had a minor freak-out.
What the heck am I going to do with out a phone?!
How will people get a hold of me?
How am I supposed to let my family know where I am so they can pick me up?
What if the plane crashes and I can't call my loved ones to tell them goodbye?
I know--I get a little irrational sometimes. Well, after I finished my crazy train of thought, I realized that there was actually a time when people didn't have cell phones. Even now, there are people that survive with out them (although I really don't know why you'd want to). When I got to my gate, I decided to call my husband from a pay phone instead of bugging a random person to use their cell--baaaaaad idea. Apparently I read the pricing information wrong because, what I thought was a $2 phone call turned out to be $12!! We talked for 2 minutes and 1 second. Lesson learned: ALWAYS bug random people to use their cell phone before deciding  to use a pay phone. Always.

Well, traveling with a baby really helps you meet people, so I had no problem asking someone to use a phone on the plane. Good thing the kiddo didn't scream the whole time, and I made friends instead of enemies! So, I was able to meet up with my family at the airport, it was ok that no one could get a hold of me for a whole week because the only person who ever really calls me is my husband, and the plane didn't crash. Moral of the story is, if you forget your cell phone you'll probably be ok. Just don't ever use a pay phone!

1 comment:

  1. I want you to know that I almost texted you about 10 times this week and then remembered that you didn't have your phone. So just so you know, you're loved by more than your family and husband:) I'm glad you're back!
