Thursday, January 20, 2011

What the...?!

Do you ever watch Project Runway and think that an outfit a designer made is the fugliest thing you've ever seen, but the judges love it? Maybe I just have horrible fashion sense, but I find myself thinking this all the time! Some of the things that designers come up with and show at fashion shows boggle my mind. For example:


Do the people who design these clothes really think that someone is going to wear them? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be caught dead with that huge white bow on my chest, let alone wearing a huge pink tutu. And what in the world is on their heads?
Did the lady who made this just take all the leftover fabric scraps and sew them all together? I don't understand. Is this supposed to be attractive?

Do I really have to say anything about this? C'mon now, this is not fashion--unless it's a fashion show for horror movie characters.

Like I said, maybe I'm just not a fashionable person, but I just don't get it.


  1. oh my gosh! Me and my hubby think this same thing! my husband says that as soon as people become Famous they suddenly think that dressing ugly is cute. I love that the judges on Project Runway always love the ugly designs! I guess I am not a "fashionable person" either :)

  2. I don't watch that show but I follow a hilarious website: that mocks what the rich and (usually) famous wear. They sometimes refer to outfits that were "translated" from runway to "real life". The designers must have difficulty seperating art that you hang on a wall and clothes that you hang on a body :)

  3. I dunno... I think I would look pretty sexy in that face mask.
