Saturday, January 29, 2011

Frizzy hair and yesterday's makeup

I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but ever since I had a child I feel like putting makeup on and doing my hair is just not that important. Now, this wouldn't be so bad if I was the naturally beautiful type of girl with blemish-free skin that wakes up in the morning looking like she just spent hours doing her hair, but I'm not. When I wake up in the morning I have yesterday's mascara under my eyes (because I was too tired the night before to take it off so I just went to bed with it on...stop judging me), one side of my frizzy hair is plastered to my face, while the other side is sticking straight out the side of my head, and I can't see because I'm pretty sure I'm legally blind without my contacts in. Am I painting a picture for you here? The last month or so of my pregnancy was the WORST. I was in denial about not fitting into my pre-pregnancy pants anymore, so I refused to buy maternity jeans. Well, since, at 9 months pregnant, it was virtually impossible to fit into any of the pants I own, my only other option was sweats and basketball shorts. Everyday. At this time, I'd like to extend a public apology to my loving husband, who had to witness this extreme lack of personal grooming. I can only imagine what he was thinking at the time:
"Man, I'm sure glad I married this hottie. Those saggy basketball shorts and that stained, oversized t-shirt look incredible on her."
Doubt it.
Anyway, I'm definitely not this bad anymore and really do make an effort to actually put on a respectable looking outfit everyday, but some days that's about all I can muster up the motivation to do. When my child naps, I blog. I look at facebook. I stalk other peoples blogs. I catch up on shows that I've missed. Primping just isn't as high up on my priority list anymore! In college, I wouldn't have been caught dead leaving my apartment without makeup and straightened hair. How was I supposed to attract the attention of potential suitors if I looked like a mix between the creature from the black lagoon and Medusa? Well, now that I'm a mom I feel less like I need to impress people and more like I need to spend my down time doing things that make me happy, and when my son is awake, I need to be with him.
Maybe my New Year's resolution should be to make an effort to get ready more often. I'm sure my husband would appreciate it!


  1. So as I sit here and read this post, (at 9 months pregnant, in sweats and an over-sized t-shirt) I cant help but laugh! I am the exact same way. I did, however, put on make-up and straighten my hair today for the first time in who knows how long. I mean... we ARE going to the grocery store later ;) LOL Anyway, I hear ya sister!

  2. Yep I wear makeup occasionally and if my hair has been brushed and pulled back, up or out of my face in any way i consider it "done". I tried getting ready last week, but then I didn't get the chores done I wanted to while Aurora napped and it made me grumpy. So i choose frumpy over grumpy.

  3. Nicole, we are basically the same person. That is all.

  4. Haha! Thanks for linking me to this- makes me feel a lot better... It's so unbelievable how much things change after kids!! And THANK YOU for the link for the sheets! Holy moly I hate that!!
