Friday, February 4, 2011

The Apocalypse

Ya know when there is an impending natural disaster and you hear about people rushing to the grocery stores and emptying the shelves? Well, that happened yesterday. Because of this:

(insert crickets chirping)
 It was supposed to snow 3 whole inches today, and Houston was thrown into a state of panic. Severe weather warnings were given, schools were closed (and not just elementery schools. Weston's medical school is closed, people), and grocery stores were swarmed because of the impending doom.  I went to the grocery store because we were out of milk and I couldn't find a parking spot, there were no carts, and the lines to check out were ridiculous. What do people buy when they think the world is ending? Orange soda and donuts of course! I can't tell you how many carts I saw full of soda, cookies, candy, donuts, etc. The best part is, it's supposed to be 58 degrees tomorrow. So, people had to bombard the grocery stores because they couldn't do with out the "essentials" for one day. Well, people of Houston, the sky is, in fact, not falling. You can poke your heads out of your holes now.

1 comment:

  1. I found this hilarious because I also live in Houston. I found it extra funny because I am from Michigan and I love watching people freak out about something I think is nothing. haha. enjoy your day!
