Friday, February 18, 2011

'Cause you're there for me too-ooooo

Am I the only one who feels like the quality of sit-coms has really gone down hill? Don't get me wrong, Modern Family is pretty flippin' funny, but I really don't think anything will ever come close to touching the comedic value of Friends. I can watch episodes of Friends over and over and still laugh so hard I pee my pants. So, my lovely readers, grab a Depends, sit back, and enjoy a few of my favorite Friends moments. (unfortunately YouTube disabled the "embed" option on these videos so you have to click on the link, but I promise it will be totally worth it!)

Happy Friday!!


  1. I have to comment, as this is a subject I too feel strongly about. Friends is the only sitcom I can watch over and over and over again and still love. I have probably seen each episode like 20 times, and when situations arise in life, they often remind me of an epsiode of Friends. Favorite moments that come to mind are Ross's "sound", Ross and Monica's "routine", when Joey breaks his fridge, and the scene where Rachel and Ross lock Emma in the apt. I guess Ross is my favorite Friend. Man I love that show.

  2. Hahaha!!!! I miss watching this! In Utah it was always on from 5-6, so we would watch it every night... we're TV junkies:) I think the pivot one is one of my all time faves.

  3. oh man. I LOOOOOOVE Friends. Own all 10 seasons. My last two years of college were spent watching Friends dvds over. and over. and over.

    I totally appreciate this post. And like, Briana said above, I compare many situations in life to things that happened in a Friends episode.

