Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jack in the Box

My dream is to have a house with rooms that look like this:

Ahhh. Crisp, clean, tidy--perfect. Just looking at these pictures makes me feel relaxed.

Instead, I have a house that looks like this:

Toys everywhere, dishes in the sink, and a gigantic cardboard box in my dining room (we got some diapers delivered to us today). Sometimes, looking at the mess that accumulates in my house throughout the day makes my blood pressure rise. But, guess what? People actually live in my house. I have a child that loves to play and a husband that loves to eat. So no, my house isn't crisp, clean, and tidy, but I have my very own Jack-in-the-box and he's pretty awesome.


  1. hahaha I love that "complete joy" face that he makes. He's so funny. And yes- that house is beautiful... it makes me want to snuggle up and read in a house like that. I want it too :)

  2. I love the photos of the magazine perfect house too... But it's so much nicer to have a house that feels lived in - comfortable and happy and full of fun and life.

    You have a real cutie on your hands!

  3. I wish I had that first house too. I've resigned myself to the fact that I will NEVER have a house that looks like that. I suppose life isn't supposed to look that neat. If it did, it would be kind of boring.

    Happy to find your blog! I'll be coming back!
